


used to use the personal journal site Oh Life, and when it shut down I created my own single-user clone of it, called MyLife. sometimes contribute to open source projects. Gulp Global Exclude : Exclude folder you don't care about from all Gulp operations. S3 List All Objects : Easily list all objects in a S3 bucket without having to deal with the paging crap. I just keep them here because I'm a digital hoarder. The Firefox and Thunderbird APIs have changed so much.

#Iospades full#

have an Abandoned projects page, which is mostly full of old Firefox extensions. Scroll Search Engines: Switch search engines by scrolling over the search box


Save SVG as PNG: What the name says, save any. Redirector: Automatically redirect from one url to another (client side mod_rewrite) (Chrome, Firefox, Opera) Extensions go out of date pretty quickly as extension APIs change, sometimes create browser extensions to make my life easier. NET, and sometimes create little utilities, or write down tips and tricks related to. Generate better names for event handlers Diff a piece of selected text against the clipboard sometimes create Visual Studio extensions that do things that I want to do: For Sudoku I also created a sudoku javascript library and wrote a blog post about creating the game and library. recently started creating games that aren't card games, like Mahjong, Chess, Yahtzee, Minesweeper and Sudoku. really like making card games in Javascript. wrote a blog post about The Story of CardGames.io and how I started working on card games for a living. Of the most popular card game sites in the world. Since 2014 I have worked for myself in my own company, Rauðás Hugbúnaður. have worked at Libra, Deltek and Trustpilot, mostlyĭoing backend development in. am active on all kinds of online things, like Github, Twitter, and Facebook.


It is a partnership card game that, like Bridge, is descended from the old English game of Whist. Once the score is tallied after each hand, another deal begins.moved back to Iceland in 2014, after living for 7 years in Denmark. Spades is a trick-taking card game devised in the United States in the 1930s and became popular in the 1940s. Once 10 sandbags are reached, the team looses 100 points and starts over with 0 sandbags again. When either of these are not met, the team will get -100 and -200 points respectively. If a nil is bid and met, the team gets an additional 100 points. The shuffled cards are dealt individually one by one, in a. The first dealer is randomly selected and dealt clockwise.


Cards of the same suit are ranked from high to low from King to Ace. If a bid is not met, each trick in the bid is worth -10 points. The game starts with 4 players with two players facing each other will be a pair. If the bid for a team is met, each trick counts 10 points, with any additional tricks (sandbags) worth 1 point. Once the full hand has been played, the game is scored. Spades cannot lead a trick until they have been broken in another trick or if that is the only suit the lead player has left in their hand. The winner of the trick leads the next trick. If a trick contains a spade, the highest spade wins. If a trick is played without a spade, the highest lead suit card takes the trick. Moving clockwise, each player plays a card to follow suit, unless they do not have the suit, in which they can play any card in their hand. The Spades game begins gameplay with the player to the left of the dealer, who can play any card other than a Spade. The payout will be higher if you achieve it, but the loss even greater if you don't - so bid this at your own risk! Teams must reach the total number of tricks they have bid together in order to get a positive score. If you bid a Blind Nil, you must bid a 0 without seeing your cards. The table then enters into the bidding phase where they estimate the number of tricks they can take with the hand they have been dealt. Spades is a game of trumps, where all spades are the best cards in the game and will beat all other suits.Įach hand begins with all 52 cards being dealt to the players. The version of 24/7 Spades is the most popular and is played with four Spades players in a team format, where players across the table are considered teammates. Spades is played with a basic set of 52 cards and card value ranks from 2, the lowest, to Ace, the highest. Spades is a casual card game developed in the 1930's in the USA.
